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Live4Cup : Tournoi - D-aGe Cup#9

Tournoi - D-aGe Cup#9


Jeux : - Call of Duty 4 Nombre de participant : 8/8 Slots (5vs5)
Date de lancement : 12/05/2012 - 21:00 Level : Tous
Date limite de fin : Aucune Durée limite d'une phase : Illimité
Responsable : - denie111
Etat : Terminé

Le tournoi est terminée

knife map/side
knife map/side
knife map/side


 eMpire |

 Hungry Tig...

 M3 eSport
 Dawn Wolve...

 eMpire |

 Hungry Tig...
 M3 eSport
 eMpire |
 M3 eSport


Welcome to D-aGe Tournament

D-aGe is an Active Dutch Multi Gaming Clan where fun is our number 1 concern
Therefor, This Tournament has rules to keep it fun!
Rules :
* Put Xfire with Server on/off in comments down below
* GV Streaming Server required! (
* Play on Knife_Knockout_mr12, Overtime is played on MR3 (Command: /rcon promod_mode knife_knockout_mr12)
* Autorised Maps : Crash, Strike, Crossfire, District (mp_citystreets), Backlot
* 2 Times Knife round required, One for map, One for the side on that map.
* After First Knife round, Switch map to the winners map, There you will knife for side
* If the Opponents Team does not show up within 15 Minutes, It's an Instant-Win for your team!
* Teams may start with 4 players if both sides agree! Less then 4 players is not allowed!
* KillSpec is allowed with agreement of both teams!
* Record is required!
* You can only ask 2 Demo's from the opponents team!
* If the opponents team fails to upload there demo(s), Contact one of our admins on Xfire.
* While Playing, Keep the public chat to a minimum.
* If the Oppontents Team swears or spams during the Match, This is Instant-Win for your team.
* Fill in the scores after match.
* Discussion about scores, please contact one of the D-aGe admins.
* If any of the above rules was not followed by the opponents team, Please contact one of the D-aGe admins
Good Luck & Have Fun!
D-aGe Staff
Denie111 : xfire=denie111cup

Commentaires (15)
Par denie111 (D-aGe) - 12/05/2012 à 20:10

Xfire's In Commentaire plz

Par El3ctronZ (umad?) - 12/05/2012 à 20:39

Delete EPG plz 


Par zaiky (Dawn Wolve...) - 12/05/2012 à 20:46

delet plz EPG ty serve ON stream GGC GV PB on xfire ; zky59

Par vivaldi06 (eMpire |) - 12/05/2012 à 20:52

xfire odedkr

Par denie111 (D-aGe) - 12/05/2012 à 20:56

Soz cant delete EPG because if it is not full cupp automaticaly remove

Hungrytigers win than

Par Boba96 (M3 eSport) - 12/05/2012 à 20:58

xfire : boba96

Par El3ctronZ (umad?) - 12/05/2012 à 20:59

Hungry win ! :)

Par denie111 (D-aGe) - 12/05/2012 à 21:02

Unreal hungry tigers xfire plz!!

Par denie111 (D-aGe) - 12/05/2012 à 21:04

unreal join this server :

connect;password war123

Par denie111 (D-aGe) - 12/05/2012 à 21:17

UNREAL is Absente

Par El3ctronZ (umad?) - 12/05/2012 à 21:40

OBV mais bon on s'en fou GL pour la suite

Par stylaxz (M3 eSport) - 12/05/2012 à 21:43 ma démo

Par stylaxz (M3 eSport) - 12/05/2012 à 21:44

et c'est ZINEY pas Zeiney ;)

Par Boba96 (M3 eSport) - 12/05/2012 à 21:46


Par stylaxz (M3 eSport) - 12/05/2012 à 21:47

mec regarde ma démo je l'ai pas upload pour rien!